Sustainable equipment for fish handling and development on nature’s premises

The members of GATH have sustainability rooted in their work on deliveries to the aquaculture industry. The UN Sustainable Developments Goals, global political goals and demands from the environment and ourselves mean that the equipment we supply will support the UN SDG objectives.

GATH Members contribute to sustainable food production, improved fish health and reduced climate footprint by improving how the fish are produced in more efficient ways. Our members work throughout the value chain from fry to ready-made food on the table.

Our members work with many of UN´s SDG targets, but the main areas supported by sustainability work are.

Guidelines Sustainability Reporting for the aquaculture industry

Climate change and environmental degradation are defining global challenges and are an existential threat to the world. Countries across the world increasingly recognise the urgency in addressing these challenges. Through the European Green Deal, the EU aims to be the first climate-neutral continent. The EU aims to achieve this via the efficient use of resources, restored biodiversity and the cutting of pollution. The end goal is climate neutrality by 2050.

This requires significant investments and alignment of all sources of finance, public and private. Investments in unsustainable activities and assets are increasingly likely to become stranded, as climate and environmental challenges become ever more material.

In collaboration with GATH members, Sparebanken Vest, Sparebanken Møre and SpareBank 1 SMN, EY has developed this sustainability guideline to strengthen the work to achieve the sustainability goals.

The report has been developed by consultants in EY’s sustainability team. The guidelines for sustainability reporting are based on sustainability directive, standards and methodology developed by the EU, and considered best practice. The methodology is amplified by EY through our extensive experience working with sustainability reporting and strategy.