Vi søker etter leder for GATH

Til å videreutvikle GATH og aktivitetene i mellom bedriftene søker vi etter en operativ leder.  

Om stillingen
Å lede arbeidet i GATH er en spennende utfordring for den rette personen. I samarbeid med styret i GATH, der styremedlemmene representerer medlemsbedriftene, legges strategier og planer for gjennomføring av målrettede aktiviteter. Lederen vil være sentral i planlegging og gjennomføring av dette arbeidet. Tett daglig samarbeid med selskapene og nøkkelpersonene i disse er en sentral del av jobben. Medlemsbedriftene er ambisiøse med stor gjennomføringskraft og lederen for GATH vil ha en viktig rolle i å videreutvikle samarbeidet pg det operative arbeidet i GATH.    

Kvalifikasjoner og bakgrunn
Den som skal lykkes i stillingen bør ha følgende:

  • Energi og motivasjon til å skape nytte for medlemsbedriftene
  • Evne til å se muligheter i samarbeid mellom bedrifter – og sikre gjennomføring
  • Kan kommunisere bredt med ansatte i medlemsbedriftene, ledere, støttespillere i regionen slik som virkemiddelapparatet, bankene i regionene med mer.
  • Er godt organisert, med sterk gjennomføringsevne.
  • Har god kjennskap til regionen, oppdrettsnæringen og teknologileverandørene.

Personlige egenskaper vil tillegges stor vekt i ansettelsesprosessen. Kandidater som er på vei opp i karrieren sin oppfordres spesielt til å søke.

Dette er en helt spesiell mulighet til å bidra til å utvikle den sterkeste næringsregionen i Norge.

Vi kan tilby konkurransedyktige lønn, pensjon og forsikringer. Arbeidssted vil være i eller i nærheten av Ålesund.

Delvis bruk av hjemmekontor kan avtales.   

Søknadsfrist: 15.08.
Søknad sendes til:

For spørsmål om stillingen kontakt med styreleder Per Helge Devold på telefon 971 08 090.

In GATH you will find companies from the entire value chain within the aquaculture industry. Our members are equipment manufacturers, well boat shipping companies, research institutions, IT solutions and services companies, animal welfare and fish health companies, land-based and sea-based fish farmers and fish processing companies.

The companies need labor in most business areas, from fish farmers, to officers and crew on well boats and service boats, human resource, sales and marketing, engineers and technicians, accounting and finance, biology and other areas.

Check out the opportunities with our GATH Members.


One of our greatest strengths lies in the multidisciplinary approach. This allows us to address issues with an expanded toolbox and with a broad professional weight. By creating better solutions and new ways of farming the sea, we contribute to positive ripple effects for the environment and sustainable operations. Cflow is growing and we are regularly looking for new employees who will help develop the industry further.

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We are always looking for employees to strengthen our team.
Skilled and dedicated people at every level is the recipe for success in Sølvtrans.

Visit our job portal to see career opportunities with Sølvtrans.
We are always on the lookout for the best people.

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Today, through the application of advanced technology and new knowledge, an exciting new chapter in Norwegian aquaculture history is opening. With our all-Norwegian value chain, Ode is setting the standard as a producer of premium farmed cod

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MMC First Process

We want to build competence and capacity for the future and will therefore invest in several new Game Changers who can contribute to developing the seafood industry together with us. We want to build on the competence environment we have today, while at the same time developing ourselves both within technology and new market segments.

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Ready to join the world`s most exciting industry?

Optimar contribute to sustainable food production, by enabling our customers to process fish more efficiently and with higher quality.

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Artec Aqua

Artec Aqua is always on the lookout for talented individuals who want to join the team. Do you have skills that could fit into the professional environment, and none of the advertised positions are suitable for you? Then we encourage you to register here in Artec Aqua’s open application database.

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Salmon Evolution

In Salmon Evolution we have an ambitious vision: extending the ocean potential to be a beacon for sustainable salmon farming. Succeeding in this, calls for skilled and forward-thinking people who share our ambitions and are ready to walk the extra mile to extend their own potential.

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Hyperthermics™ develops and supplies compact biotechnological facilities that convert organic waste into renewable energy – such as biogas and protein mass – significantly faster than other solutions on the market.

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PatoGen has exhibited strong growth over the last few years and will continue to grow. We are constantly on the lookout for competent colleagues. We inspire actions for healthier fish. Take a look at the opportunities to work with us

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Entec Group delivers effective solutions and sustainable technology, and we need to continuously strengthen our organisation. We have, and want more, enthusiastic team players who think new things and create value for our customers and for the world around.

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Atlantic Sapphire

Atlantic Sapphire is a fast-growing, global company lead by aquaculture innovators from around the world. If you’re looking for a vibrant workplace with people who are passionate about the health and happiness of our fish, our oceans, our planet, and our people, join us!

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We promote increasingly sustainable aquaculture through innovative farming technology and solutions. Our products contribute to efficient farming and better fish welfare.

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twoday is a company for talented individuals who are passionate about realizing digital opportunities. We are committed to ensuring that all employees have the freedom to develop in their jobs and maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure. With us, you will encounter strong professional environments and people who are inclusive and generous

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Explore the job opportunities

Møreforsking is located in the middle of the marine cluster in North-West Norway. The proximity to rich marine resources, combined with strong traditions in catching, processing and exporting seafood, make Norway in general and North-West Norway in particular a leading player in marine industries.

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Schneider Electric

Delivers holistic automation solutions for management and operation of fish farming facilities

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We offer game-changing applications that support animal welfare and increase automation in the reception, harvesting, slaughtering and gutting process

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Norconsult has experience and market-leading expertise in both land-based hatcheries and food fish farms as well as floating constructions in exposed sea areas.

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We are always interested in talented people. If you think you can contribute to Team Rostein, look at the possibilities

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Our employees are our strength, and we are proud to have skilled and dedicated people on our team.

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Our employees are passionate about building Norway with IT. Together, we take personal responsibility and strive to make Atea The Place to Be.

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If you want to help develop effective technical solutions and be one of the driving forces behind a sustainable future in infrastructure, food, climate and energy, Danfoss is the place where you can make a real difference.

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Hofseth Aqua

Hofseth Aqua is a fully integrated and experienced farmer with smolt, sea and slaugher operations all within a two hour distance from each other.

If you would like to explore job opportunities get in touch with us.

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We offer sustainable solutions for water cleaning and disinfection to companies in the aquaculture, fishing, maritime and process industries.

If you want to check out job opportunities, contact us.

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Redox is a complete supplier of disinfection solutions to fisheries and the aquaculture industry. With solid experience as a leading supplier of technology and equipment for fish welfare and biosafety on well boats, we have in recent years also made a conscious decision to invest in land-based aquaculture. Our solutions ensure good hygiene and water quality, in addition to preventing disease contamination at the plants.

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