Morten Goodwin, Deputy director and professor
Unlocking the AI aquaculture
The AI revolution is touching the marine and aquaculture sector in a big way. New methods make data analysis easy from sensors, cameras, and acoustic recorders, even in real-time, reproducible, and rapid forms. Off-the-shelf easy-to-use algorithms find, count, and classify species from digital images or video and detect cryptic patterns in noisy marine data.
Dr. Morten will give an inspiring talk about the opportunities for artificial intelligence in aquaculture. He will address the challenges and possibilities through genuine established and emerging artificial intelligence applications in marine aquaculture. Dr. Morten will present case studies on plankton, fish, marine mammals, pollution, nutrient cycling, wound detection, and fish health analytics that involves object detection, classification, tracking, and segmentation of visualized data. Morten will conclude with a broad outlook of the field’s opportunities and challenges, including potential technological advances and managing complex data sets issues needed to train the marine AI systems.
Morten Goodwin is a professor at the University of Agder and one of Norway’s foremost experts on artificial intelligence. He alternates between being a professor, teacher, public debater, communicator, author, and CTO. In addition to being an active researcher with more than 15 years of academic experience, a doctorate, and more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, he is engaged in several big research projects, among others, in marine aquaculture and AI. He holds up to 100 popular science lectures annually, focusing on opportunities for AI and demystifying his research field.