Collaboration in GATH

Global Aquaculture Tech HUB aims to create an international competence hub
for aquaculture that drives market-oriented innovation and makes the region globally attractive trough collaboration

Aquaculture is becoming increasingly complex, specialised and at the same time interdependent. To achieve the objectives of contributing to increasing food production, we must coordinate across companies, disciplines, organizations and sectoral authorities to solve common challenges.

Collaboration can be challenging, and one reason is how we organize ourselves. Many organizations are characterized by specialization that leads to siloticism. Different departments have their own goals, cultures, and responsibilities. The silos and the costs they entail are known but difficult to solve.

Silos arise based on division of labour and professional specialization. Then we quickly end up with sub-goals, local incentives, values, norms, understanding of reality and a tribal language that no one from the outside understands. Separate academic logics are developed that can create challenges for interdisciplinary interaction.

In GATH we would like to challenge this and collaborate to the good of the aquaculture industry and contribute to sustainable seafood production.

In GATH we want to foster a model for successful collaboration amongst our members and stakeholders:


  • First agree on what and why, then how

  • Allocate clear roles and establish good meeting arenas

  • Conduct a dialogue that makes sense

  • See, understand and build on the perspectives of others

Areas for collaboration