The ambition is for aquaculture to grow and fivefold by 2050. If action is not taken, the ambition will remain. A focus on digitization will, in addition to other instruments, strengthen the industry’s ability to implement, and enable the actors to achieve the authorities’ ambitious goals. Through data capture, analysis, automation and prediction models, fish welfare will be raised and the environmental impact reduced. The job the regulatory authorities are set to do will also be significantly simplified. These are prerequisites that are fundamental to growth.
The aquaculture industry has a large untapped potential to develop and adapt digital solutions and new technology.

In the future, digital solutions, sensors and cameras will be used in the aquaculture industry to monitor the entire value chain from hatcheries, to slaughter and further processing, and transport all the way to the consumer. Data will contribute to better fish health and fish welfare and give the authorities a better opportunity to control facilities and thereby contribute to better fish health.
The ambition is for aquaculture to grow and fivefold by 2050. If action is not taken, the ambition will remain. A focus on digitization will strengthen the industry’s ability to implement, and enable the actors to achieve the authorities’ ambitious goals. Through data capture, analysis, automation and prediction models, fish welfare will be raised and the environmental impact reduced. The job the regulatory authorities are set to do will also be significantly simplified. At GATH, we want to look at the opportunities to collaborate on developing digital solutions for the best for the aquaculture industry within different areas.